Frequently Asked Questions

The proven way to treat hair loss permanently

Frequently asked questions
What can I expect on the day of a hair transplant procedure?

We usually ask you to be fasting when you come for your procedure (which means you do not eat or drink anything on the morning of the procedure). We start with shaving the head and planning of new hairline. Then it’s sedation and/or injection of local anaesthetics, followed by harvesting of follicles in donor areas and lastly implantation of follicles in recipient area of your choice. The duration of all this will depend on the amount of follicles you need transplanted, but it’s lengthy process and usually takes 6-8 hours. Light refreshments will be provided to keep you comfortable throughout the day.

What is the recovery timeline following hair transplant surgery?

The quick answer is 5 days of downtime, 4-12 weeks of redness, and around 12 months of growth.

Any preparation from my side needed when I come for the hair transplant procedure?

There are a few handy things to remember on the day of your hair transplant:

Firstly: Don’t stress!

Wear a buttoned shirt – we do not want to pull any tight clothing over your scalp after the procedure as the implanted follicles can be damaged.

It is better if you do not drive yourself home on the day after the procedure, especially if you had IV sedation.

What is the recovery timeline after hair transplant procedure?

The quick answer is 5-10 days of downtime, 4-12 weeks of redness, and around 12 months of growth. Dressings of donor area will be removed day 1-2 post procedure. Scab removal and follow-up consultation will be done day 10 post-procedure. By this time the donor area’s hair will have grown to cover the occipital/temporal areas. It is advised to stay out of direct sunlight and avoid caps/headgear and sweating for the first 2-3 weeks after procedure – this means no exercise or hard labour.

Are there any other post-procedure tips to help improve outcome of my hair transplant?

You will have a bandaged and shaved head initially, so it’s better to take off from work for the first few days. Before scab removal (that happens on day 10), it’s also advised that public social/outdoor events be limited. Be careful when putting on clothing – it’s best to wear buttoned shirts for the first 10 days. Do not scratch the recipient area (use medication or spray to relief itch, as will be discussed and provided by your surgeon). Sleep on your back to protect to transplanted area. A flight/neck pillow works well to prevent you from rolling over in your sleep. Do not shave the recipient area’s hair for the first year after the procedure – it can be trimmed with scissors.

Finally: Be patient!